The CLDA is a vehicle for Black Males to network and create opportunities to accelerate their personal and professional growth

"A key objective of the Care Leadership Development Alliance is to break down and dispel the psychological barriers that keep Black Men hostage to fear."

- David Griffiths, Founder of Brothers Who Care

Care Leadership Development Alliance (CLDA)

It is our vision to equip and inspire Black Men to be all that they can be by drawing on the power of the collective, and creating a Center of Influence – the Care Leadership Development Alliance. Using our curated influence, we are mobilizing Social, Political and Economic growth and outcomes within the Black community. We are providing Black Men the opportunity to rally together around the causes that matter most to us and our families. Our efforts are amplifying the voices and the impact of the leaders in our community through the use of mentoring, coaching, and sponsorships.

The CLDA will be the go-to vehicle for Black Men to network, create opportunities, and accelerate their personal and professional growth. The alliance focuses on mentoring, coaching and sponsorships to create the necessary connections and open up new pathways to success.

The CLDA will be the go-to vehicle for Black Men to network, create opportunities, and accelerate their personal and professional growth. The alliance focuses on mentoring, coaching and sponsorships to create the necessary connections and open up new pathways to success.

6 key focus areas

Leading Self Development
Leading People
Leading Change
Leading Innovation
Leading for Growth
Leading Social Responsibility

With these six key focus areas, we are building black men into philanthropic leaders who focus their time and resources into the following four areas:

  • Youth and Professional Leadership Development (including entrepreneurship)

  • Promoting careers in STEAM (including education and job creation)

  • Mental Health & Wellness

  • Financial Health & Wellness

Heritage of Clients Served

This Black Men leadership retreat is culturally responsive; curated to facilitate community bonding, cultural learning and collective action. The theme, Ancestral & Cultural Currency to Self Leadership will see our brothers set out on a journey to build capacity to support their individual personal and professional growth.

Experientially, the brothers will take a day trip in the Niagara region immersed in the inspirational works, wisdom and wine of African, Black and Caribbean leaders.

How CLDA Will Help

Personal & Professional Leadership Development

Showcase positive images and stories of black men achieving personal and professional success. We hone and develop skills and human capacity to enable the wellbeing of self, community and society. We also provide access to a membership of Black Men, and their network, who are influential leaders and mentors in various industries.

Health & Wellbeing

Provide a platform for open and informative conversations that lead to action. This involves rethinking the health and education systems, access to services, food & nutrition, physical health knowledge and skills to achieving wellbeing for our men.

Financial Growth & Wealth

Invest in and create services that focuses on improving social equality and economic sustainability to improve our standard of living  we focus on the quality of economic growth as much as we focus on the quantity of growth.

Why CLDA Is Necessary

A Canadian report “Results from the 2016 Census: Education and Labour Market integration of Black Youth in Canada,” found that 20% of young Black men are in the "Not in Education, Employment nor Training" (NEET) category, compared to 12% of other young men.

In 2020, Statistics Canada put out a report titled “Canada’s Black Population: Education, Labour and Resilience.” The report showed that only 17% of young Black men have a university degree compared to 34% of young Black women, even though 94% of Black youth state that they would like to obtain such a degree.

  • The Problem

    There are a lot of reports being created, and not nearly as much work being done. There is an urgent need to develop programs, especially programs that are sensitive to the gendered and racialized issues facing young Black men.

  • Our Solution

    Brothers who Care has creatively curated resources that will help address inequality, which unaddressed would have severe consequences for the social integration and mental health of young Black men.

How CDLA contributes to the sustainability of BwC

We know that at the heart of the human condition is a desire for connection, to feel valued, and as Brené Brown famously wrote in Daring Greatly, “to be seen, valued and heard”. Even amidst booming technology changes our human values stay pretty consistent. We value being connected to something bigger than ourselves. We value self exploration and self mastery. We value exploration and discovery. We value the safety and security of home. The CLDA delivers on these value commitments, empowering Black Men to be seen, heard, and valued.

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